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something incredible
is waiting to be known

Carl Sagan, astronomer


The Prize awards a fundamental discovery, research, or invention with long-lived effects in the broad field of Computer Science for Safety, Wellbeing, and Sustainable Growth


Improving the quality of people's life with a positive impact at the economic and social level

The relevant Thematic Areas and specific eligible topics
  1. Intelligent systems to support the decisions in the Healthcare and Life Sciences sectors;
  2. Artificial Intelligence and Computational Models for Neuroscience;
  3. Intelligent analysis of biomedical data (radiomics, genomics, and proteomics) to support personalized medicine for rare diseases;
  1. Cyber security models and systems to protect sensitive information for the health and life of citizens;
  2. Humanoid and assistive robotics to support fragile subjects;
  3. Innovative systems and technologies to improve the quality of life.

Scientists and Researchers from all over the world can propose nominations for the Award, provided they have an h-index greater or equal to10. The nominators may submit one single proposal related to a specific scientific discovery, for which they can list up to three names of contributing authors. Please remember that Self-nominations are not allowed. Furthermore, nominations cannot be presented by those convicted of crimes against the Public Administration.

Please use the form below to submit your nominations. If you have any questions about submitting a nomination, please look at our tutorial first, if you still have a question, please contact us.

Fields marked with an * are required

Your Details

Please provide your own details

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Attachments *

Since nominations cannot be presented by those convicted of crimes against the Public Administration, please download and edit the declaration form concerning the absence of criminal convictions.

Upload the signed form and a copy of a valid ID document

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      Your Nomination

      Here you can provide information about your nomination, which will be used by the Jury to select the winner(s)

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      Authors (at least one)
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      Selected Papers (at least one)